Investing in UCI Resources Berhad (UCIRB) made easy
We help you build a profitable diversified investment portfolio using ETFs
Choose from our range of ready-made portfolios to match your needs.
- Crypto
- Stock
- Currency
From helping you to invest in a portfolio of ETFs to professionally managing your portfolio ongoing, we’ve got you covered. we offer a straightforward way to gain exposure to a wide range of assets including stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate.
Happy Clients
Years of experience

Worry-Free Investment
Worry free investing a safe approach to achieving your lifetime financial goals
World Class Customer Service
Delivering world class customer care means having the capacity to provide a memorable, unforgettable experience to each individual customer.
Best In-Class Experience
Yes, we are very serious about this being easy for our users. Our professionals focus every waking hour to get this right.
Minimum Investment
With zero entry and exit fees, investors can truly dedicate their efforts to earning 100% of what they invest, Starting with a low minimum investment of only USD 100.
Simple Withdrawal
We've made it easier to withdraw funds quickly from your account. No commissions or additional bank charges with us.
Access Worldwide
Expand your opportunities, revenue potential and market reach while discovering new opportunities with us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your investment strategy?
With a goal-based approach, we analyse your personal financial situation and risk selection. Firstly, using this information, our investment team and the algorithm will select the most suitable portfolio. Secondly, we also use historical and live data to track market conditions to determine when major economic cycle shifts will occur. Combining these factors, we then design portfolios with medium-to-long-term outlooks that withstand the short-term fluctuations of the markets to yield long-term wealth.
What does it cost to open and close a UCI Resources Berhad (UCIRB) account?
There are absolutely no fees associated with opening or closing a UCI Resources Berhad (UCIRB) account.
When will my funds appear in my UCI Resources Berhad (UCIRB) account?
it takes about 1 to 3 hours for the deposit to be invested and reflected in the UCI Resources Berhad (UCIRB) account.
What happens if the account holder passes away?
In the event of the death of the account holder, your executor or administrator who is appointed in your Will, is the only person recognized by us. Your executor/ administrator will have to produce a grant of probate or letters of administration before the account can be liquidated to a designated account as instructed by him/ her.
I have moved. What do I need to do?
If any of your personal details change for any reason, please contact our customer services so that we may update your records accordingly.